Community and tokenomics

As a public goods data infrastructure, the biggest challenge is solving the “chicken and egg” problem to create a healthy ecosystem that benefits the web3 community for the long haul. At a high level, protocol users “pay” for the services, and contributors “earn” for their contributions, while the protocol charges a small take rate to support its continued development. Interestingly, when it comes to web3 data infrastructure, there are multiple “roles” who are on both supply and demand side, and Hemera’s utility token is designed to align their interests:

  1. Dapp developers: they are the main users of Hemera protocol and mostly on the “demand” side, using the built-in data services and applications to help them build their Dapps. In addition, Hemera also supports self-hosting mode which allows Dapp developers to host their own nodes supporting their own usage of data services and applications. In this case, they can by default “share” their servers’ resources with the Hemera network, thus becoming server providers, and earn incentives by being on the “supply” side.

  2. Server providers or “miners”: miners are on the “supply” side, and they provide computing and storage resources to support the Hemera network, and as such are incentivized for providing such services. In particular when Hemera mainnet launches, miners from different geo locations are needed in order to provide complete and redundant coverage of blockchain data, and downstream services at global scale.

  3. Algorithm providers: algorithm providers build algorithms and innovative services to expand Hemera’s capabilities, allowing more values to be accrued. When data experts contribute algorithms to Hemera protocol, they are entitled to earn a percentage of the “income” generated by the algorithm after a take rate generated by the protocol, along with a tiered one-time development incentive. The protocol take rate makes sure the data owners, and the broader community benefits also from such innovations.

  4. End users: we “the people'' are the true owners of internet data, and should in theory also own a share of the value generated from it. Web3 makes this vision possible where on-chain data ownership can be attributed through account addresses. In Hemera’s community, end users are the data “suppliers”, thus benefit from being a user in web3. SocialScan [8], a web3 Linkedin-like discovery portal built on top of Hemera, is the built-in hub allowing end users to visualize, experience, utilize and contribute to their own data assets.

For more information regarding tokenomics, please visit Hemera’s upcoming whitepaper.

Last updated