
About Hemera Protocol

Welcome to Hemera Protocol, a decentralized account-centric programmable indexing network that is designed to serve as a public goods data infrastructure unlocking the full potential of data networks in web3. The platform caters to a spectrum of web3 use cases, ranging from simple to complex, including blockchain explorers, on-chain assets portfolio, social graph, zero-knowledge (ZK) coprocessors, community quality auditing, web3 identities, etc., can thus benefit from or built on top of Hemera.

Our Mission

Hemera is missioned to “accelerate the advent of data and AI democratization”.

For too long, users data have been entrenched in Internet giants’ walled-gardens without us owning them. Web3 for the first time is democratizing user data from incumbents, and our goal is to accelerate the paradigm shift.

Who We Are

We are the team building SocialScan, a AI-empowered web3 discovery hub and more. Through building our underneath data infrastructure, we've always being wondering how we could open it up and build a public goods so that other developers don't need to repeat data-related tasks that we have built. Hemera Protocol is the embodiment of our vision.

Connect with Us

Join the conversation on our social media channels and be part of the Hemera community:

Twitter (Hemera): https://twitter.com/HemeraProtocol

Twitter (SocialScan): https://twitter.com/socialscan_io

Discord: https://discord.gg/6zYzU9v8uY

Telegram: TBD, stay tuned

Get Started

Unlock your potential with the tools and resources offered by Hemera Protocol. From simplifying data interoperability to offering a decentralized infrastructure, Hemera provides a solid foundation for creating innovative decentralized applications.

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