ERC721 Token Holders table records the balance of each token holder at a given block. Each row represents a holder's balance for a specific ERC721 token, including the token address, wallet address, balance (balance_of), and the associated block details.
Copy {
"token_address" : "0xfb3fdf272cf5bc4ca115e6d8767e99b70a767da7" ,
"wallet_address" : "0xa096e581472070ebca6e5d28df4e981ed3d9c5a1" ,
"balance_of" : 100 ,
"transaction_hash" : null ,
"block_timestamp" : "2023-10-29T03:38:19.000Z" ,
"block_number" : 435554 ,
"block_hash" : null
Copy 0xfb3fdf272cf5bc4ca115e6d8767e99b70a767da7,0xa096e581472070ebca6e5d28df4e981ed3d9c5a1,100,,,2023-10-29T03:38:19.000Z,435554,
Copy {
"token_address" : "\\xfb3fdf272cf5bc4ca115e6d8767e99b70a767da7" ,
"wallet_address" : "\\xa096e581472070ebca6e5d28df4e981ed3d9c5a1" ,
"balance_of" : 100 ,
"transaction_hash" : null ,
"block_timestamp" : "2023-10-29 03:38:19.000000" ,
"block_number" : 435554 ,
"block_hash" : null
Copy \\xfb3fdf272cf5bc4ca115e6d8767e99b70a767da7,\\xa096e581472070ebca6e5d28df4e981ed3d9c5a1,100,,,2023-10-29 03:38:19.000000,435554,