Export Result

Hemera Indexer allows you to export the blockchain data to a PostgreSQL database, or to JSON/CSV files.

Export From PostgreSQL Database

Connect to Your Postgresql Instance

Use any PostgreSQL client to connect to your PostgreSQL instance, please make sure the user, password, and port is the same as your configuration.

Run In Docker

By default, the PostgreSQL port is open on and mapped to port 5432 of your ec2 instance, you can verify or change it in the PostgreSQL section of the docker-compose.yaml.

Configure Your Network

If you are using any cloud services, make sure the PostgreSQL port is accessible by updating the network rules.

If you are using AWS and EC2, you can check out this post on how to configure the security group.

Export To Output Files

Run In Docker

By default, the docker-compose.yaml mounts the output folder to docker-compose/output, assuming that you are running from docker-compose folder. You can find exported results in docker-compose/output.

Run From Source Code

The database and exported file locations are the same as what you configured in OUTPUT or --output parameter.

E.g., If you specify the OUTPUT or --output parameter as below

# Command line parameter
python hemera.py stream \
    --provider-uri https://eth.llamarpc.com \
    --debug-provider-uri https://eth.llamarpc.com \
    --postgres-url postgresql+psycopg2://devuser:devpassword@localhost:5432/hemera_indexer \
    --output jsonfile://output/eth_blocks_20000001_20010000/json,csvfile://output/hemera_indexer/csv,postgresql+psycopg2://devuser:devpassword@localhost:5432/eth_blocks_20000001_20010000 \
    --start-block 20000001 \
    --end-block 20010000 \
    --output-types block,transaction,log \
    --block-batch-size 200 \
    --batch-size 50 \
    --max-workers 8

# Or using environment variable
export OUTPUT = postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@localhost:5432/hemera_indexer,jsonfile://output/json, csvfile://output/csv

You will be able to find those results in the output folder of your current location.

Last updated