Run & Query

1. Configuration

In the indexer/modules/custom/uniswap_v3/config.ini file, configure the protocol information for your specific blockchain. Use the chainId as the key.

2. Verify ABI

Ensure that the ABI matches the Uniswap V3 protocol you're working with. If it doesn't, update the ABI in the indexer/modules/custom/uniswap_v3/ file.

3. Indexing Data

To start indexing the data, run the following command:

python stream -pg postgresql://{db_user}:{db_password}@{db_url}:5432/{database} -p {chain_rpc} -s {start_block_number} -e {end_block_number} -o postgres -B 1000 -w 5 -b 100 -E {entity_type}

(you can add your {entity_type} in enumeration/

4. Verify Data

Get Current Holdings for a Wallet Address

First, retrieve all tokenIds held by the wallet_address, and then fetch the prices for the pools associated with these tokenIds.

API Path: /v1/aci/<wallet_address>/uniswapv3/current_holding

Get First Liquidity Addition Time for a Wallet Address

API Path: /v1/aci/<wallet_address>/uniswapv3/first_liquidity_time

Get the Number of Pools with Liquidity Added or Removed by a Wallet Address

API Path: /v1/aci/<wallet_address>/uniswapv3/provide_liquidity_pool_count

Last updated