Deposit to L2

A bridge to Layer 2 (L2) is a mechanism that allows users to transfer assets and data from a Layer 1 blockchain, like Ethereum, to a Layer 2 scaling solution. These bridges facilitate faster, cheaper transactions by moving activity off the main chain while still benefiting from the security of Layer 1. Once assets are bridged to L2, users can enjoy reduced fees and quicker transaction times, with the option to return their assets to the main chain when needed.

The deposit_to_l2_job indexes all transactions related to deposit to l2 operations on the Ethereum mainnet. As a result, we can tract and query deposit-related informations.

Key Features

  • Query deposit details through different dimensions (wallet address, chain name, bridge address, token, block number)

  • Calculate the number of deposits made by a wallet on a specific bridge

  • Determine on which chains a wallet has made deposit operations

  • Calculate the quantity of tokens deposited by a wallet on different chains through various bridges

Destination Chain:

  • Optimism Deposit ETH/ERC20

  • Arbitrum

    • Gateway to Deposit ERC20

    • Deposit ETH

  • Base (OP Stack)

    • Deposit ETH

  • Linea

    • Deposit ETH

    • Deposit ERC20

    • Deposit USDC

  • Other notable chains (Mantle,Scroll,zkSync,Blast,Manta,Polygon zkEVM,Taiko)

Last updated